
Part 2: Verbal Abuse, Economic Abuse and Stalking

Part 2: Verbal Abuse, Economic Abuse and Stalking

Abusive language…Being isolated…Using manipulation…Surveyed and stalked…Economic exploitation…ABUSE

Isolation is a form of abuse often closely connected to controlling behaviours. The individual is left totally alone, without the internal and external resources to change their life. Some abused individual’s isolate themselves from existing resources and support systems because of the shame they feel of the bruises or other injuries.

The first type of abuse to be discussed is Verbal Abuse.

Verbal abuse is any abusive language used to denigrate, embarrass or threaten an individual. This may include:

  • Threatening to hurt or kill the individual or her children, family, pets, property or reputation.
  • Name calling
  • Telling the individual that they are unattractive or undesirable.
  • Yelling, screaming, rampaging, terrorising or refusing to talk

The second type of abuse discussed is Economic Abuse.

Economic abuse is a way to control the individual through manipulation of economic resources. This may include:

    Controlling the family income by either not allowing the individual access to money or rigidly limiting their access to family funds. This may also include putting the individual on an allowance or making them turn over their paySpending money for necessities (food, rent, utilities) on nonessential items (drugs, alcohol, hobbies).

The third type of abuse is Stalking.

Stalking is if a person intentionally or knowingly engages in a course of conduct that is directed toward another person and if that the conduct would cause the individual to fear for their safety or safety of immediate family members or fear of physical injury or death. This may include:

  • Breaking windows, breaking into or vandalizing partner’s home
  • Taking partner’s mail
  • Leaving things, such as flowers on doorstep or at work
  • Watching partner from a distance
  • Following partner with a car or on foot
  • Surveillance of partner at work
  • Other trespassing
  • Stealing things from their partner

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