Survivor Story

Survivor Story of Yaa, June 2020

Survivor Story of Yaa, June 2020

Queen Awindor of the Obaapa Development foundation brought to our attention a case in Swedru that was reported to her team. The survivor, Yaa*, has been repeatedly abused by her husband but the most recent development took a turn for the worse. Yaa’s husband in a violent fit was brandishing a cutlass at Yaa. In a bid to get out of his way, Yaa tried to grab their one and half year old daughter and unfortunately the cutlass struck the little girl and her limb was severely injured leading to amputation. The matter was reported to the police and taken to court but Yaa’s husband was released and he currently walks free. Queen Awindor and her team were able to move Yaa and her baby to the home of Yaa’s sister. Yaa’s sister lives with and is fully dependent on her husband thus, unable to host Yaa for too long a period. Also, Yaa’s baby requires costly medical attention for her limb, to survive Yaa fries and sells fish. Upon hearing of Yaa’s case, Isobel, a co- founder of the Pearl Safe Haven, reached out to our network of donors and was able to secure some funds to help with finding a place for Yaa to stay. Also, based on recommendation from Madam Retzlaff, Queen Awindor was able to secure an appointment for the baby at the Orthopedic Training Center (OTC) in Nsawam where the baby will be medically assessed to determine the costs of the prosthetic leg she will need to walk. We are currently seeking funds to help cover the costs of the prosthetic as well as the funds needed to help Yaa start a business to sustain herself and the baby.

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